Friday, August 10, 2012

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To this commander there any prestige at all? Wang Yiyang voice was heard outside.
Directorate Prime Minister, allow a hurry to ask to see. some dissatisfaction. back to the house of Yang Husheng muttered: Autumn evening a cold day, or multi-Phi clothes. Yang Husheng hug hug petite Qingping, gently kiss her cheek, deep looking at his face flushed Qingping, softly: Out the door, the original bustling outside with no human laughter. The moonlight through the Rong tree irregular mottled spilled down outside the jagged sound of frogs calling can be heard across the chapter water. Cool breeze was blowing, Yang Husheng some sober.
Conference Room, General Tso is seated, bow tea, Yung Wing as the cat on hot bricks, hands behind anxiously walked up and down.
Yang Husheng do not know what happened, a door with a smile and asked: Yung Wing, see Yang Husheng over, quickly stand, anxiously: Yung Hong, Yang Husheng to help pull the chair, he sat down, anything that makes us pure fu brother so scared? Do not hurry, sit down and speak slowly. sights on General Tso Tso gently put down the cup and calmly said: production, the factory owners also prohibit other people instead of their work. workers' income with the horsetail plant, or will allow the plant to a complete collapse, Fuzhou side after a day of work, to the telegram came when they refused the Shanggong. factory owners asked us to send troops to the mob expelled from Fuzhou, the workers asked us to call the shots for them, Li Fei can not learn how to do, only a telegram request the commander as soon as decisiveness. the strike difference, really took place in Fuzhou Fuzhou eighty thousand workers in other factories,oakley black friday oakley cyber monday ray ban black friday 2015 ray ban cyber monday oakley black friday deals oakley cyber monday , 30,000 people participated in the strike, in addition to the shipyards and subsidiary factory of the of horsetail government shares, according to the telegraph, if you do not stop, I am afraid tomorrow, this figure should doubled. worst lead workers are stepping down from the army in streamlining soldiers, really use force to suppress, I am afraid very serious impact on troop morale.
In Yang Husheng impression base standard of living of the people is stronger than in other places too, and those farmers living in paradise inside than simply strike such a good condition is unthinkable.

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